The Final Straw
This site is dedicated to an unspeakably revolting set of crooks.
In the aftermath of the carnage at the World Trade Centre and related incidents, these people set up a fraud to extract money from well-meaning folk who wanted to help the victims.
You and I saw tragedy. These people saw a golden opportunity to make money. Their actions could be likened to searching the ruins looking for wallets and valuables belonging to the dead.
This website brings together information from different sources which will help to identify the fraudsters and the services from behind which they operated.
The network of domain names and linked sites, telephone and fax numbers form a web of payment transactions for law enforcement to follow.
YOU can contribute your bit by highlighting this information to your politicians and law enforcement agencies.
The morning after the attacks, I received the following spam:
To: <>
Subject: Help for the Red Cross and the victims of our Nations tragedy
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 04:23:53 -0500
Express Relief Fund.
A combination of relief funds are available for you to send donations to.
Red Cross: Click here
Victims Survivor Fund. This will go to a combination of victim survivor funds equally disbursed.
Click here
Thank you for your help and support.
Both 'Click Here's led to the same web page at
Here is how that page looked:
This was a fraud, of course.
- The email followed a classic spam route
- is a well-known spammer host
It is also known as and A more recently noted domain for the same host is More domain names are being registered for use in new spamming runs. Known domains are listed and detailed in the 'Their Domains' page.
- The proceeds were collected via an anonymous merchant account ( MerchantID=20144 ) at
You'll note the "10% of your donation will go towards administration costs"
Yeah. Sure! Try 100%
Despite all the warnings that common sense should have offered, I'm sure that emotion drove many people to donate. Why anyone should give money to a completely anonymous entity that uses an 'exotic path' to their mailbox beats me. People get defrauded via normal spam all the time, so I suppose it's not surprising that a spam which manipulated their emotions in these extraordinary circumstances would work.
Brian Walsh