There are times when we would all like to have a *sound off*.. an *Accasbel Pontification*.
maybe this is the place ???
By Lacie on Sunday, November 14, 1999 - 08:23 am:
i hate it when people log into Tir and watch .... LURKERS ...
I hate it when LURKERS copy and paste what i have post back to me
I hate it when LURKERS copy and paste thing i have said to other people
I hate it when LURKERS decide to post as ghosties then disappear cause others come into the chat
I guess ........... i dont like the kinda chat we have in Tir .. *silly lace* .. *L*
By Pope on Sunday, November 14, 1999 - 06:39 pm:
I think all the regs know how you feel about lurkers Lacie. I think you get picked on because you let all this bother you. Others see your reaction and poke you all the more. There are sick people out there and they enjoy seeing you react. You provide them with entertainment by your reaction to their mischief. I know it's not right, but unfortunately some people get their jollies teasing others.
Jeane Pierre
By Lostsoul on Sunday, November 14, 1999 - 09:36 pm:
*peeps in* I agree with you, Mr. seems there are those who enjoy the aggravation they cause others.
As for copying and pasting and then sending....JAYSUS people!!!!! Get a bleedin' life! None of this is real, and I'm sure Lacie knows what she said and what was said to her. Unfortunately, the inherent anonymity of the web seems to give rise to the desire in some people to be unkind as often as possible, usually picking out one hapless soul to be the recipient. Words are just words, and to torment and abuse someone with them is unforgivable. *Didn't know we were back in High School....YUCK!!! It was bad enough the FIRST time!!!!!*
*gets down off of her slightly wobbly soapbox and wanders off in search of F-U-N!!!!!!!* *giggle*
By Accasbel on Sunday, November 14, 1999 - 10:46 pm:
Looks like a.n.other pontiff got in before me!
Amen to the last two postings !!
Anyone who derives enjoyment from tormenting others is a very sad and sick soul.
(Anyone considering doing that in this place should be warned that my server logs IP's for all board posts.)
And stop scaring off the leprechauns LS !
By Tex on Monday, November 15, 1999 - 04:20 am:
mean people suck...just sayin'
By Lacie on Monday, November 15, 1999 - 10:05 am:
*wonders if the 'pope' has a name?
By Pope on Monday, November 15, 1999 - 12:24 pm:
Jeane Pierre
By Lacie on Monday, November 15, 1999 - 04:12 pm:
Jean Piccard is such a better name *swooooooooooooooon*
By Lacie on Monday, November 15, 1999 - 05:22 pm:
*winks at the popie wopie* ......... come on .... ya have another name ...
By Lostsoul on Tuesday, November 16, 1999 - 12:23 am:
*pulls out her green pom-poms and puts on her cheerleading outfit* I was cheering the leprechauns on, HONEST, Acc!!! *LOL*
Rah-rah-ree....kick 'em in the knee.....
Rah-rah-ras...kick 'em in the other knee!!!!!
*bounces out*
By Guest on Tuesday, November 16, 1999 - 12:58 am:
*defiant*... Okay, who's poking lacie?
By Pope on Tuesday, November 16, 1999 - 02:08 am:
Covers eyes. Forgive them father...
By Pope on Tuesday, November 16, 1999 - 02:49 am:
Backed against the goal, 4th and long, decides to pont...
By Caoilte on Tuesday, November 16, 1999 - 02:10 pm:
Why do people come in a "Guest"?... lack of Identify or just to chicken to let us know who they really are ..... just wondered,,
By Guest on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 - 04:18 am:
Jeez man, I don't know
By Pope on Thursday, November 18, 1999 - 02:56 am:
Could be they fear repercussions and want to comment without attaching themselves to the comment. Like the Iranians putting a paper bag over their heads saying that the Shah was a muderous dog. They could send the message without reaping the consequences of their actions. I think it's okay, you?
Jeane Pierre
By Raheny on Thursday, November 18, 1999 - 06:59 am:
How could anyone pick on Lacie???? They must be scum. Some people are such cowards.
By Lacie on Thursday, November 18, 1999 - 11:33 am:
this was not a *who love's lacie* thaaaaaaang. *damn*
This was a *lacie likes to sound off with honesty* crap. Some times, when i come into Tir to chat and have some fun, the shite just gets to me .... so, I sound off ... I like sounding off. *smile* ......... tis good for my soul. *hangs head and askes for forgiveness from those it upset* LMAO
*posts this message with HUGE reservations*
promises BW that typan wont give me toooooooooooooo much access *L*
*leaves a LKFP* .................. the secret is ... "loving kiss for Paddyo*
By Sweetpoppy on Thursday, November 18, 1999 - 02:06 pm:
*sends lacie on a Holiday Safari*
By Wonderdogtoto on Thursday, November 18, 1999 - 02:12 pm:
*shoots lacie* - fair between the eyes !!! ROTFLMAO
By Guest on Thursday, November 18, 1999 - 09:52 pm:
*perkily speaks up*
I love lacie wacie.... but I still wanna know who'poking her? And did she get a new matteress or not... oh wait, that's 2 different conversations... sheesh, may have said something culturally incorrect here....
By Guest on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 05:05 pm:
Why must lurkers lurk?
Why must workers work?
Why must mothers mother?
Why must brothers brother?
Hell if I know, I just lurk here, er work here...
By Guest on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 07:13 pm:
Why do fools fall in love ?
Why do they fall in love?
By Lostsoul on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 09:04 pm:
Why does noone put the new roll on the toilet paper holder?
Why does it always rain when you've left your brelly at home?
Why does the one you're interested in always show up on the day you'd had 2 hours of sleep and the shower didn't work?
Why do geese fly in a V? Why not a T?
Why is there a frozen chicken on the inn floor? *nearly tripped over the blasted thing!*
Why-oh-why-did I feel the need to Why?
*bounces back out....* TTFN!!!!!
By Guest on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 10:28 pm:
Why why why Delilah, why why why Delilah,
Tom Jones
By Guest on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 10:30 pm:
Geese don't use the alphabet, just good, common sense and impeccable aerodynamics.
By Guest on Monday, November 22, 1999 - 08:48 pm:
....*spastically types... a-r-o..a-e-o... *grunts*
a-ro-d-y... *dang it*... a-e-r-e-o.... a-i-r-o-d-y-n-a..... GRRRRRR.... A-E-R-O-D-Y-N-A-M-I-C-A-L-L-Y*..
Damn, I always have such a hard time with that "@#$&&*( word."
By Guest on Monday, November 22, 1999 - 08:51 pm:
and speaking of why....
Why does the kitty always do a "duty" seconds before company arrives?
Why do little boys cartwheel, slide, jump, skip... anything but "walk" into a room?
Why do slow drivers drive in the left lane?
Why does that one vitamin, always fall down in between the blasted seat?
Why does my bread never make it home from the grocery store without looking like an acordian?
By Guest on Monday, November 22, 1999 - 11:38 pm:
Why not?
By Lacie on Tuesday, November 23, 1999 - 10:32 am:
hmmmmm.. as the mother of three boys, i can honestly say, 33.33333333% of boys can NEVER do a cartwheel !!!!! *LMAO*
By Lacie on Tuesday, November 23, 1999 - 10:35 am:
well ..... my pontification for the day .... (really a gripe) ... why, when you get back to your office after haveing a few days off, is there sooooooooo much work to catch up on?? ...... and 209 work related e-mail *sigh*
By Guest on Tuesday, November 23, 1999 - 02:01 pm:
Lacie.... this is a non-work related eMail:
Happy Thanksgiving from Texas! *hugs*
By Lacie on Tuesday, November 23, 1999 - 04:33 pm:
*whispers very softly, so as not to wake my internet addicted sister * loooooves the non work related email ....... *L*
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, texas *s*
By Seamusmccool on Saturday, February 5, 2000 - 07:56 pm:
I don't know exactly where to leave this message...but I'm seething at the moment and a bit frustrated. Okay, I'm relatively new here to Tir. I wasn't around when it started, in fact, I wasn't even here a year ago.
I'm still feeling my way, but I'm a bit "ticked off" with situations like the one today. I've seen Tir as a meeting place where some humor, some gentle teasing, some serious discussions take place while drinks and friendships are shared. Oísín comes in the middle of a session of gentle teasings and humor, speaks Gaelige for the first 5 minutes (nothing wrong with that, mind you), then storms out complaining that Tir is nothing like it was and the conversations have become ridiculously inane.
I'll be the first to admit my humor and teasing is a little off the beaten track at times. But what the heck does Oísín and others want Tir to be? You can't go storming off, muttering under your breath that the place is going to the dogs, and expect myself and others to know what you're talking about.
I've made some nice friends here, and I'm very thankful for that. My humor and teasings have helped me to get to know the people I've met. Serious discussions are sure to follow. But, I've got to be honest, I'm struggling here.
Okay, Oísín, what do you want this place to be?
Tir will eventually die unless "new blood" like myself is welcomed into the family. The assimilation process may take some time, and Tir may evolve a bit, but from what I can see, this place is far above the "inane" chat sites scattered throughout the web. It IS a special place.
By Sorcha on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 02:16 am:
Feels for Seamus as I too have had a Oisin moment.
One is not all, I decided and continue to enjoy the tir.
Chin up Seamus *s*
By Guest on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 03:12 am:
you go boy...
*applauds Mr. McGroovey and checks the placement of his soap box*
By Cbleidd on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 05:19 am:
Here's a question for you: Why must I be surrounded by frickin' idiots?
(Hold your water, folks, this isn't about the present company...)
I work for the national help desk of a certain Internet service provider, and I spent 80 minutes on one call today, attempting to help a customer who was having one right bastard of a time trying to install this ISP's login software on his computer. This particular ISP requires an Ethernet card as part of the necessary hardware to connect to the 'Net.
Well, we were hunting high and low for the driver files, getting advice from a certain group of techs who are supposed to help you out when you're stuck on a customer problem. Four times I had to deal with these people telling me places to look for the driver files when they clearly weren't showing up, the installation techs hadn't left the necessary diskettes behind, and I was getting nowhere with the customer. Finally, on the last try, I was allowed to script the ticket and send it up to the customer's local affiliate...after going round and round for nearly an hour and a half, searching in vain for something that clearly wasn't going to be installed without the proper software! This call could have taken half that time...or less...if I'd had decent help.
By Mama on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 06:53 am:
For Seamus---Don't fret dear---we have all had these moments to deal with. The Tir is worth the aggravation that happens occassionally--it isn't often enough to really matter in the larger scheme of things!! Never take it seriously--consider the source and go on with the overall enjoyment we have here (I'd hate to lose those generous hot toddy's provided by such a gentleman as yourself). We would hate to lose your company--it is priceless. *Smiles sweetly in her motherly way*
By Guest on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 07:03 am:
WHEW! Maybe I could go off unemployment and find a job as an installation tech? And maybe this URL will help you?
Does that help Cbleidd? Frustratingly Frustratious Frickin Frackin Keep laughing!
By Lacie on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 09:51 am:
Mama is right, Seamus ... listen to her, and remember all the parts make the whole ... when most of the parts are good, the whole is great!!
Cbleidd, we all have days at work like that!! .... eventually you step in in when you hang around barns *quoting the wise words of another Tirnagogian*. (nice to have somewhere to sound off, though, huh?)
By Briana on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 06:40 pm:
Seething or foaming Seamus?....LMAO
By Seamusmccool on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 06:50 pm:
Thanks Sorcha, Mama, Lacie, and "Guest" (the McGroovey part gives you away.. "Guest") . Thank you for the kind words and supportive friendship.
My blood pressure is almost back to normal now *smile*. My (nearly)bald head looked like a bloody red blinkin beacon there for awhile *g*.
I really don't mind someone bringing me a little back to normalcy when I start drifting too far away with my wit or sarcasm...(thank you, Lacie), but I do mind being called inane and someone not explaining themselves about it.
None of my witticisms or "digs" at anybody are meant to be malicious. I'm the consummate seeker of a quick laugh or chuckle by playing on words. Unfortunately, some of my humour may be too dry, too obscure, or too quick for anyone but me to decipher at times *g*. (Yes, I do laugh at myself...even when nobody else is laughing *s*)
The more I'm around...and the more I see genuine friendship and kindness displayed, even if it is masked in the teasing and cajoling that oft is seen in Tir, the more comfortable I am being here.
But, alas, I'm such a sensitive soul at heart....*bwg*(big, wide grin)
By Accasbel on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 09:32 pm:
*Wondering if it's polite to pontificate in a place labelled "Pontifications by others" - but goes ahead anyway - a pontiff's privilige!*
Tír can be defined largely by the people who are currently in and around it. There is a general character, which could be put down to my ramblings about ancient Irish things in the 'static' area (that would be , for Noggians who have never seen it :).
There is a more tangible (but still having a 'Je ne sais quoi') character which derives from the input of ancient addicts (for want of a more flattering term).
Over the years (since mid '96) many faces have come and gone. Some faces have stayed. Some faces drop in intermittently.
It's possible to get Tír burn-out. Some people here have cycles of activity and rest. That's as it should be. Nobody should feel obliged to contribute all the time. It's a big world out there.
The character of the chat changes with the time of (someone's) day. Sometimes it is inane. Sometimes it's silly. Sometimes it's very humourous. Sometimes it's enlightening. Sometimes it's boring. I have seen traces of chat that I consider tedious and / or gross.
It's always been like that.
People develop a feel for when a certain type of company is in Tír. People who go away for a while can lose track of the shifts and can therefore be surprised by what they see when they land in again.
We've always had discussions about 'the character' of Tír. Occasionally, wars have broken out.
The issues raised above are nothing new.
Who owns Tír ? Who 'belongs' in Tír ?
"Anybody who is considerate of others" might be a suitable quick definition.
There's no point in becoming offended by a posting. The on-line world gives people a feeling of power to say anything without fear of eyeball-to-eyeball retribution.
Don't respond to what you see as abuse. Response in kind only invites more of the same.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:-
"Never wrestle with a pig. The pig enjoys it, and you just get covered in muck."
I'll also add: (General advice - not aimed at anyone in particular)
Don't be quick to take offence. Sometimes people misread situations and unintentionally give offence. Taking them to task in lofty / cutting tones can often result in a very bad response , and so it escalates.
Deja vue!
By Guest on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 11:25 pm:
*tries to say "bloody red blinkin beacon" 3 times in a row without stuttering..*
Way to go AGAIN, Accababe, your-pontiffship, sir...
By Seamusmccool on Monday, February 7, 2000 - 04:13 am:
Pig wrestling in Tír? Hmmmm ...could be interesting....definitely not a spectator sport....*bwg*
By Celt on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 11:01 pm:
A thought on the lurker several chatrooms I've been in, one cannot lurk at all, since one must log on first with a nick before entering the room. If anyone is live chatting, they will see your nick appear on the sidebar guest list, regardless whether you remain silent or join in. This way, at least you are aware of how many other people are listening in.
One could always log on with a fictitious nick if anonymity is desired, but could not listen in without the others knowing someone is there.
Acc, if this is not feasible, perhaps just a counter on the side to let us know how many folks are listening in, if any. Would go a long way to help stop lurker least we'd know when we were being eavesdropped on. What say you? Would this work? (Just a suggestion, O mighty Pontiff...LLL)
By Accasbel on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 11:33 pm:
I dunno.
We've been through this loop. We had +'s and -'s on both sides.
The result(s) may have been a draw :)
I think that the best thing to do is be relaxed and to bear in mind that this is performance art of a sort.
To be sure, people meet and discuss all sorts of things. BUT - we should bear in mind that this is a public place.
If there is something that you feel should not be said in public, then better not say it :)
Come to think of it - better not say it in private either ~giggles~
Personally, I'm not convinced that simply listening is 'abuse'. Some people are very shy. Some people are cautious and like to get a feel for a place before decloaking.
Apparently there have been mischief makers in the past who have stitched selected snippets of chat into a fabric of misrepresentation. Shame on those who accept things second-hand and don't check the source.
Such people should never overhear anything good about themselves :)
All in all - just bear in mind that the chat is public.
By Silk on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 10:13 pm:
Read through some of the stuff in this section, and as a relative newbie to chat I'm interested to read that that sort of mischief goes on, it doesn't surprise me somehow with the playful cheek that gets thrown about in Tir.
Fun is fun, but crossing the border into shit stirring is total crap. A secure person will take others as they find them, in understanding and tolerance and will either develop a friendship based on what another chooses to show them (because we all have our 'masks', 'hats' and 'skeletons' which only usually get revealed after a trust has developed), or turn the other way and look for someone more 'suitable', which to my personal way of thinking is okay, but also a tad judgemental.
That's life.
I think it is better to strive to be able to interrelate at many levels with the people despite differences of opinion, culture, race, social background and belief and value systems. Again, it is all in personal choice, and choices abound in life.
An interesting quote from a book I was reading seems to ring true here...
"We tend to think that other people's behaviour stems from their personality, while overlooking the effect of the situation they're in."
Nothing more to say. Just my 2 cents worth.
By Silk on Thursday, January 22, 2004 - 08:39 am:
*LOL* my mask, hat, and skeleton showing?...*covers self up with towel*