Tír na nÓg - Genealogy
One of the common themes in feedback to the cafe is that of root-tracing, mainly by descendants of Irish emigrants to the USA and Canada.
This section of the Tír is intended to indicate helpful starting points for such journeys.
Please note that I claim no expertise or provide any service in this field.
I now live in Cobh, which was a major point of departure to the new world. As a young boy, I used to venture out in a small rowing boat to beg goodies from passengers on the great transatlantic ocean liners which anchored out in the harbour. (Very 3rd world-ish, when I look back on it - but great fun).
The sadness of the nth-class passengers (and perhaps their hopes and confidence) was something that escaped me at the time. To me, it was all adventure (and still is).
Here are a few links to other sites of relevance. If you wish to contribute other information or other sources please feel free to email me
at tirnanog@alia.ie or use the feedback form in the main cafe area.

The Genealogical Guide to Ireland is good Irish source for self-teaching and pointers to resources
This is an important project served by Trinity College Dublin.
The Genealogical Guide to the UK and Ireland (GENUKI) has a section on Ireland.
There's an index to the site, but you are advised to use the main link above to begin with or you'll miss out on some information and background data.
The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA) is a nonprofit organization for Irish genealogical and historical research and education. Their site carries links to a wide range of resources and databases.
The Irish section of Genealogy.org carries pointer to many valuable resources.
Search Engines
Try these pre-set searches on "genealogy and irish" in HotBot
and AltaVista.
Be warned that those searches will throw up many thousands of hits. You might like to narrow things down by adding a family name or a regional name to the search terms. There seem to be quite a number of personal sites dedicated to specific family names.
The broad search terms result in a mish-mash of education, commercial and personal pages but are useful as a first shot in order to get a feel for what's out there.
Yahoo - Regional/Countries/Ireland/Arts_and_Humanities/Humanities/History/Genealogy/ gives a more restricted listing of sites.
Linking Sites
Links to Irish Genealogy is a section within Link-O-Mania.
Sites Volunteered
Duna H'Ein, a regular in the Chat Room, who is engaged in research, suggested http://www.archives.ca/db/cef/index.html.
Over 600,000 Canadians enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) during the First World War. They would have made friends in between bouts with the enemy.

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