Enter Your Handle (nickname):
If you don't have a password, just leave the next box empty.
Enter Your Plush Pass Password:
If you want your handle to link to your home page, enter the complete URL below, including the http:// (leave blank if you do not want a link).
Link URL:

If you like, you may enter the Hexadecimal color code to set the color of your messages. (Examples: Red=FF0000, Green=00FF00, Blue=0000FF, Yellow=FFFF00, White=FFFFFF, Black=000000 ...note '0' is zero, not the letter 'O').Leave this blank to use the default color for your messages.

If you have an image or graphic you would like identified with this handle, please enter it's URL below (leave blank if you do not want an image).
Image URL:
By the way, this page prefers images which are 75 pixels wide by 100 pixels high.The image will be scaled down to those dimensions by your browser anyway, so a larger graphic simply wastes bandwidth.

Message-Address: If you enter your E-mail address here, other users can send messages to you, but will not actually see your address. (Much better than just giving out your E-mail address to everyone.)
Note however that you will be revealing your email to a third-party (BeSeen.Com)
If you want to be ultra-cautious, you arrange with others to exchange email addresses via myself, Brian accasbel@alia.ie
Message Address:
Use the 'Set Handle' button (simply press enter if you use IE) to implement your choice(s).